Race Results Help
Tips for maximizing the usefulness of the searchable results:
- You must select at least one field (i.e. last name or competitor number) to search by. Additional search fields are optional and will help to narrow down your search.
- To view all of the results for a particular event, simply select that event's Name and Year from the dropdown boxes and leave all other search fields blank. You may then narrow down the search results with added search criteria.
Alternatively, you may click on "List all Events" for a full list of events and years, along with a clickable link to view each one.
- Range searches: Generally used for Age, Place, and Bib# (short for "bib number," also known as competitor number or race number), this allows searches of the following form:
- 15 ... an exact match for #15 (age, place, etc.)
- 15+ or +15 ... 15 or higher
- 15- or -15 ... 15 or lower
- 15-25 ... between 15 and 25
The "low" value must be less than the "high" value and they must encompass at least some portion of the results.
- Name searches will look for partial matches. Searching for "Bob" would find "Bobby" but not "Rob".
- Your previous search criteria will be entered back in the search boxes after each search. This helps you to modify a search to narrow it down further. If you wish to erase your previous search criteria, simply click on "Clear the Form."
- In the search results, the column labeled Place (All) represents the individual's place and the total number of finishers (in parentheses) for that event.
- Place (Div) represents the individual's place within their age group.
- You may choose to perform 1 or 2 Sorts on the search results or reverse the order of the results (Descending Order). The Sorts and Order are optional. Unsorted search results appear in the order in which they are in the database -- by order of place within each race, and in the order of the events.
Numerical sorts are not always predictable, as 10 sorts between 1 and 2 (unless places are padded with leading zeros before going into the database). Sorting by time generally does not have this characteristic.
- Limit allows you to limit the results of a search to the first "X" that would normally be returned. If you set a Limit and change the sort order, you will get different results.
example: If a search returns 100 results (say, 100 finishers in an event) and you set a Limit of 10, only the first 10 items would be returned (the order they are in the database, unless you select a Sort criteria). Now, select Time or Place as a Sort option, Descending Sort Order, and repeat the search. You will again get 10 results, but they will be the last 10 from the list, as opposed to the first 10.
- Page spanning (i.e. results per page) can be used on its own or in conjunction with Limit. Page spanning returns search results spread across multiple pages to make for faster load time and easier-to-view results. If an event has 500 results, you might want to set page spanning to 100 results per page, making for a very manageable 5 pages of viewable results.
- Where can I get this program? ReSearch is available at runReSearch.com and AbleDesign.com